7 Content Marketing Trends to Know Heading Into 2020

With ads everywhere– on our social media feeds, on TV and subscription TV services, and on YouTube, just to mention a few– it can be hard to maintain an audience and gain new followers. But by keeping up with the marketing trends as we approach 2020, you can keep your…

9 Simple Ways To Get More People To View Your Blog Content

We all know that content is the “make-it, break-it” factor for today’s businesses. But what do you do if nobody’s seeing what you’re putting out there? Don’t fret. I’ve got 9 simple strategies that you can implement TODAY to increase views on your blog content. Check them out below! #1…

6 Must-Have Content Marketing Strategies For The Holiday Season

The economy is growing and the holidays are approaching. That means a very happy holiday season is on the horizon for entrepreneurs and small businesses! In fact, Deloitte is forecasting a 4.5% increase in retail sales this season, and up to an 18% increase in e-commerce sales!  To make the…

How to Generate An Endless Supply of New Content Ideas

In today’s business world, content is an important, scalable way to educate, entertain, and deepen the relationship between you and your prospects and customers. You need a constant stream of content to keep you connected with your audience, but how can you do that all while focusing on running your…

3 Reasons Why You Should Focus On Getting Google Reviews For Your Business 

Google Reviews are an important factor in business success and popularity, but not enough businesses are giving them the attention they deserve. Despite their pivotal role in helping a customer to pick a business, they are often neglected by the businesses themselves.  So why do you need to focus on…

10 Stats To Help You Sell Content Marketing To Your Team

Content marketing is a long game that requires focus and dedication. And unlike a paid ad campaign with an easy-to-track cost per click, the results can be hard to analyze. Taken together, these factors can lead some people to think that content marketing just isn’t worth it. But to create…

5 Ways To Help You Create More Video Content For Your Marketing

There’s a saying in marketing circles that “content is king.” Well, we have a new one: video is vital. Statistic after statistic says that video is where you need to be.  By 2022, video will be 82% of all web traffic. Videos are shared 12x more than text and images…

5 Tips for Landing Featured Snippets on Google Search

The goal of any legitimate SEO strategy is to funnel more traffic to your website. But instead of seeking to rank high on the first page of Google Search’s results (which is important in its own right), today I’m going to go over X tips for landing features snippets on…

7 Tips for Productive Remote Marketing

Chances are, you and your marketing team have had your world turned upside-down due to Covid-19. But although you may have had to adjust to remote work, there are some ways to make your “new normal” more productive and efficient. Let’s go over 7 tips for productive remote marketing so…

5 Ways that COVID-19 has Reshaped Consumer Behavior

There’s no doubt that COVID-19 has changed the way we live, work, and play. And for those of us in the marketing field, we’ve seen countless challenges to our pre-pandemic methods for reaching our audience. So many, in fact, that it’s hard to know where to start. But with a…

Elementum Curabitur Vitaenunc Sedvelit

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Scelerisque purus semper eget duis. Quis blandit turpis cursus in hac habitasse platea. Pellentesque eu tincidunt tortor aliquam nulla facilisi. Sed cras ornare arcu dui vivamus arcu felis. Cursus euismod quis…