Use These Four Editing Tools And Create Better Content Immediately!

As marketing guru, Seth Godin said, “Content marketing is all the marketing that’s left”.

He said that all the way back in 2008, and he couldn’t have been more right about what the state of marketing would look like today (that’s why he’s the guru!).

If you’re going to be competitive in today’s marketing world, you are going to create a lot of content. And if you are going to create a lot of content, you want to make sure you are putting your best foot forward, which means thorough editing.

These four editing tools will ensure that your editing is spot-on so you can start creating better content immediately!

Headline Analyzer

David Ogilvy, perhaps the most famous Ad Man of all time, said “On the average, five times as many people read the headline as read the body copy. When you have written your headline, you have spent eighty cents out of your dollar.”

Translation: headlines are really important and you should put in the effort to get them right!

Headline Analyzer is a free tool that will help you do just that. Provided by CoSchedule, a developer of software tools to ‘help you stay focused, deliver projects on time, and make your team happy’, the Headline Analyzer evaluates and scores your headlines based on data from proven headline formulas.


Grammarly might be one of the most widely used tools on the Internet – it’s really popular!

And why not? Nobody wants to be caught making a mistake, only to be publicly ridiculed by the grammar police (you know who I’m talking about!).

Grammarly offers a free (and Premium) tool that automatically analyzes your writing for grammar mistakes and gives you recommendations on how to correct them.


Just because you’re using proper grammar, that doesn’t mean that your content is easy to read. That’s where Readable comes in.

You may be surprised to know that a very common mistake is to write at too high of a grade level, which is proven to turn many readers away.

Readable analyzes your content based on eight proven readability formulas to ensure that your copy is user-friendly so the majority of your readers will stick around to actually read it!


If you’re paying to have someone write for you, you’ll want to make sure that what they produce is original work. Copyscape is a simple way to test for plagiarism by seeing if your copy already exists someplace on the Internet.

It’s also a great way to find out if anyone has stolen your content!

Your Turn!

That’s four excellent, free tools that will help ensure that the content your creating makes the impact you desire from your marketing efforts. Put them to use today and create better content immediately!

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