Is it Time to Say Goodbye to the Office?

The COVID-19 pandemic has forced us to take a long, hard look at some things we used to take for granted. Over the past year, we’ve explored the wide world of masks, found a new appreciation for our wonderful public school teachers, and learned about the true value of toilet…

4 Professional Development Resources for You and Your Team

In a perfect world, every business owner would have an unlimited budget that would buy them access to the top talent they needed. In reality, budget constraints mean that often, small business owners and their employees have to be versatile and knowledgeable in a number of areas. The CEO may…

Getting Comfortable with Mobile First Web Design

The way people interact with the internet has evolved. When the web was new, all internet traffic came from a desktop computer. While some early smartphones were released throughout the 2000s, they could only access a “dumbed down” version of the internet.  Everything changed in 2007, when Apple released their…

How to use a Reactivation Campaign to Boost Revenue in Tough Times

Most businesses are sitting on a goldmine of untapped potential. Do you know what it is? It’s your past customers.  These are people who are already brand aware, have weighed the pros and cons, and ultimately decided that they trusted you enough to hand over some of their money to…

What is Nostalgia Marketing (and How to Use it in 2021)

Kentucky Fried Chicken brought back vintage chicken buckets from 1966 and 1971 for the holiday season. Cobra Kai, the continuation of the Karate Kid franchise, is one of the most popular shows on Netflix. And the Nintendo Switch continues to be one of the hottest gaming consoles, with a full…

How to Write your Welcome Email Series — The Easy Guide

When new leads sign up for your email list, what is the first communication they receive from you?  If you want to reduce unsubscribes and set the stage for a robust open rate, you’ll need a high-quality welcome email series to keep your list warm and engaged. In email marketing,…

Getting Started With LinkedIn Stories

First it was Snapchat. Then Instagram released their Stories feature, followed by Facebook. Now, LinkedIn has hopped aboard, with their new LinkedIn Stories feature. Available only on the LinkedIn app, stories let brands reach their professional connections with 20 second videos. These videos are only available for 24 hours (just…

Try Content Upgrades for a Higher Conversion Rate

If you’re working on growing your email list, you probably have a lead magnet to encourage sign-ups. This piece of free content entices leads to give you their email addresses, in return for a guide, video training, case study, or whatever “goody” you’ve chosen to give away. Lead magnets are…

7 Must-Read Marketing Books of 2020

With the number of marketing books on the market, it may seem like there’s nothing more to say. But since marketing is all about what makes people tick, and people are always evolving, there are new things to discover and learn with every passing year. Whether it’s a shift in…

6 Marketing Trends to Help You Win 2021

With 2021 right around the corner and a pandemic still affecting the way we live and sell, it’s time to look to the future. An unpredictable year has made businesses wary about investing too much into their marketing strategies, and that’s certainly understandable. But thriving in this new climate will…

The Small Business Guide to Surviving the Pandemic

If one thing has become clear, it’s that small businesses can’t just wait out COVID-19 and hope for the best. We’re over eight months into the pandemic, and no one knows how much longer it will be before a vaccine is approved and distributed.  According to research by The Atlantic,…

9 Reasons Why Your Business Needs a Podcast

You might be curious about why podcasts seem to have so much traction in today’s tech world? And is it really something that could benefit your unique business? Believe it or not, 2019 is the “Year of the Podcast,” with 32% of Americans listening to a podcast monthly and 25%…