9 Simple Ways To Get More People To View Your Blog Content

We all know that content is the “make-it, break-it” factor for today’s businesses. But what do you do if nobody’s seeing what you’re putting out there? Don’t fret. I’ve got 9 simple strategies that you can implement TODAY to increase views on your blog content. Check them out below!

#1 Post, Post, Post!

Before we can talk about how to get more visibility on your blog posts, we’ve got to address the foundation: the frequency and quality of your posts. Not only do you need to be posting frequently– I mean, who is going to check out a blog with a “last post” from 2018?– but you also need to be posting relevant, quality material that your followers can use.

Think about it. Why do people read blogs? Because they’re seeking something. Whether it’s advice, instructions, or entertainment, they’re stumbling upon your blog because they’re on the hunt. That’s why it’s important to make sure the content you provide satisfies the need.

#2 Post on all Social Platforms

Every viewer is different, and each has his or her “social media of choice.” Some may love Twitter, and some may not even know how to log in. Some may be Instagram junkies, and some may prefer the community feel of Facebook. In order to make sure you’re reaching as many people as possible, it’s important to post on as many platforms as possible. 

#3 Boost Your Posts

Delegate some of your marketing budget toward boosting your posts. On most platforms, it only takes a couple of seconds to boost your post, meaning it will reach many more eyes than the standard post ever could. 

You can determine the audience that you’d like to see it, and you can schedule it to make sure your post pops up at just the right time.

#4 Boost…. For Free???

If you’re savvy, you can “boost” your blog’s visibility by using relevant, trending hashtags. With Instagram, for example, your use of popular hashtags boosts your chances of being seen when users “Explore.” Hashtags, no matter what platform you’re using, allow users to find your content when they’re searching for what matters most to them.

#5 Share Your Content in Relevant Forums

Want to move beyond the social media platforms to get your content to even more sets of eyes? Then, take your content to the place where people go to seek answers. 

You’re probably already familiar with some forums related to your business niche. And if not, simply take some time to research where people are going online to talk about your business and related topics. Then, take any opportunity you can to share your content right there where people need it most.

#6 Make it Irresistible for Users to Subscribe 

Image Source: Hubspot

The more subscribers you have, the more relevant you become in your business niche. Engagement and sharing natural increase with the more subscribers you attain. So, you’ll want to make sure that users just can’t stand to leave your blog’s page without subscribing. Ensure that your “subscribe” button is clearly visible, and offer some sort of irresistible incentive for users to subscribe. 

#7 Post at the “Right Time”

When are your potential viewers most likely going to be scrolling through social media or surfing the web? At lunchtime? In the evening? Late at night? Whatever is the case for your business, you want your posts to go live and be shared on social media when the most potential people are scrolling through.  Schedule them to post at the busiest times, and you should see your engagement increase.

#8 Create Community

Resist the urge to post content and then run out the door. Since we’re so busy with other facets of our business, we can forget about the importance of engaging with our readers. Consider asking a question that your readers can answer. Or, when you see an interesting comment strand below your content, chip in on the conversation. You’ll show your readers that you value the community aspect of your blog and that’s how true community grows.

#9 Engage with other Blogs and Bloggers

Have any other blogs or bloggers piqued your interest lately? If so, engage with them. Ask them questions, give them tips that will help them succeed, or give them kudos for a great new idea or an interesting article. When others see that you’re in the business of positive energy and collaboration, you may just see your own content take off.

The Bottom Line

Your content matters, and if you’re putting in the work to make sure it’s relevant and engaging, you should see those views increase! Try a few of these strategies today and get people talking about what you have to say. Happy posting!

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