9 Reasons Why Your Business Needs a Podcast

You might be curious about why podcasts seem to have so much traction in today’s tech world? And is it really something that could benefit your unique business? Believe it or not, 2019 is the “Year of the Podcast,” with 32% of Americans listening to a podcast monthly and 25% listening weekly.

(Source: https://www.convinceandconvert.com/podcast-research/2019-podcast-statistics/)

This is a huge, potentially untapped audience that you’ve got the opportunity to reach! 

If you’re thinking that podcasting isn’t for you or your business, or if you think you don’t have something new to say… think again. Other businesses have gotten pretty creative in putting together entertaining, informational, and addictive podcasts about so many different topics, and it’s time for you to get in on the action.

Podcasts Arising from Unexpected Places

Thinking that podcasts are a niche concept? These days, not so much. It seems that businesses of every size and scope are creating podcasts, from Trader Joe’s to McDonald’s. Even ZipRecruiter, Johnson & Johnson, and eBay feature podcasts, and about topics that you might not expect. 

For example, McDonalds’ podcast, entitled “The Sauce,” follows the investigation of a PR problem: the limited quantity of a popular sauce. I’m not sure what I would’ve expected if you told me that McDonald’s had a podcast, but it certainly wouldn’t be a sauce investigation. Talk about creativity!

Intrigued? Check out “The Sauce” here!

You may be thinking, “How could I possibly compete with a giant like McDonalds?”

We all start somewhere, and by the time you’re finished reading this article, you’ll see that podcasting isn’t just for the big guys. Your business needs a podcast. Period. And here’s why…

9 Reasons Why Your Business Needs a Podcast… NOW!

#1  It’s Hot Right Now…

Let’s be honest. Anyone who is anyone is hopping on the podcast train… and for good reason! Businesses have begun to realize that the benefits of podcasting, using it to market their products or services, build community, disseminate information, facilitate discussion, and build brand authority all at once! But there’s more…

 #2  It’s Cheap, Quick, and Easy

Believe it or not, you could actually set up your first podcast in less than a day, and you don’t need much equipment. Forget renting studio space and million-dollar gear. Instead, you can get straight to it with a decent vocal microphone, some recording software, and a quiet room in your home or at the office. If you plan on doing a video podcast, you can purchase a quality camera for a fair price. Trust me: if you keep a quality podcast going, you’ll see the ROI.

Plus, podcasting is a fast way to get content out there. If you’re constantly churning out blog posts, you know that the process can be time-consuming. All you have to do with a podcast is upload an audio file to your hosting service, add a short description, and sit back and relax.

#3  It’s Yet Another Way to Market Your Business

Think of your podcast as an effective way to market to current and new customers. Once you’ve come up with an idea relevant to your business, incorporate your brand messaging into each podcast. You’ll not only captivate your audience with much-needed or maybe just entertaining content, but you’ll also boost awareness of the unique product or service that you offer. 

#4  People Like Convenience

Listening to a podcast is convenient because it can be done while engaging in other things: driving, eating lunch, or sitting in the bath. And when there are two options: a convenient one and an inconvenient one, guess which one people will pick? 

Consider taking the posts you’ve already published on your blog and turning them into short podcasts. Now, your subscribers can access your information more frequently and more conveniently than they could when they had to sit down and read.

#5  So Your Customers Can Get to Know You

When your audience can hear your voice, your tone, and your laughter (or even see your face), they will feel like they know the real you. This is tough to do through the written word. Your customers will then begin to associate your product or service with your podcast persona, engendering loyalty and camaraderie between you and your audience.

#6  You’ll Build Community

Did you know that you’d have the capability of live streaming your podcast? This allows your audience to join you at the same time every week like old friends just catching up. You can ask them questions, engage them in real-time conversation, and read their comments or questions to you. 

Just imagine what type of community you could build around your product or service when you sit down and chat with your audience through your weekly podcast.  

#7  It’s Another Way to Make More Money

Podcasting allows you one more opportunity to put your products or services out there, and this heightened awareness of what you have to offer can obviously lead to an increase in sales. Also, if your podcast becomes popular enough, you may even find that advertisers want to pay you to market their products during your podcast. Imagine that!

#8  It’ll Increase Traffic to Your Website

Your podcast will allow you to organically talk about your business and the unique product or service that you offer. And when that happens, people whose interests are piqued will certainly click on the link to your website (in your podcast notes), driving even more traffic to your website. 

#9  You’ll Build Authority in Your Field

You probably want to be seen as an expert in your business realm. And when you start your own podcast and gain a following, that’s exactly what your audience will see. Want people to value your input and refer others to you when they need help? Start a podcast and show that you have value to add to their conversation.


My advice? Don’t be intimidated by the task of starting your own podcast. It’s totally doable, and your business (and your wallet) will thank you for it. Another thing: don’t underestimate this growing trend. Get a piece of it and start growing your influence today!

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