8 Reasons Why Your Business Should Have an Instagram Business Account

You may not know it, but there were several different types of Instagram accounts that are available now, a normal personal account, a business account, and also most recently a creator account.

Most businesses should be using a business account, and here are eight reasons why.

Real-time metrics

First, is that you’ll get real-time metrics. The business Instagram account provides better metrics and reporting on what users are doing on your Instagram account, how you’re growing, what’s creating growth, which hashtags are working, and other important metrics.

The data that you’ll get from your business account is far more than you’ll get from a personal account.

What content works

Second, is that you’ll get insights about what content is working best.

As you work to create a content strategy for your Instagram account, you’ll want as much information as possible about which content is actually getting the most effective engagement and actions from your users.

Your Instagram business account will give you more detailed insights about which content is working best.

Contact Button

The third is that you can add a contact button.

Business accounts can have a contact button that makes it easy for potential customers to reach out and contact you. This can be a fantastic way to generate more leads at your business, and encourage engagement.

Run advertisements

Next is that you can run ads.

It’s necessary to have a business account if you want to run ads on Instagram. Instagram ads have become incredibly effective, and are generating an increasing percentage of Facebook’s overall ad revenue, and should be considered very carefully as an option at your business.

Add links to your stories

You can add links to your Instagram stories. Instagram stories are an incredibly useful marketing tool and have very, very high engagement.

One of the challenges of Instagram and Instagram stories, if you have a personal account, is that there’s only one place that you can put a link on your Instagram account until you have over 10000 fans, and that’s in your Instagram profile.

Once you get 10,000 fans or followers, you can add links to your Instagram stories. If you have a business account, you don’t have to wait until you have 10000 followers, you can start adding links typically right away.

Offer shopping

Next is offer shopping.

Instagram is making a very large push into turning Instagram into an eCommerce shopping platform. You will see pictures of products that you like on Instagram, you can click on them and then go and make a purchase from those images directly inside of Instagram.

This feature will be an incredibly powerful revenue generator for many businesses, and it requires a business account to use.

Inbox management

Better inbox management.

As your Instagram account grows in popularity and becomes more of a tool for reaching new customers and generating business from those customers, you will find that you’ll get an increasing amount of messages in your Instagram direct message inbox.

In a personal account, those can be quite challenging to manage effectively. In a business account, you get additional management key features to be able to flag and follow up on those messages. One of those features is called quick replies.

Quick replies are your ability to create stored, standardized messages inside of Instagram so that you can very easily reply to somebody without having to type the message over and over again.

Creating quick replies makes your communication with customers much more efficient.


Then finally is ‘Actions’.

Actions are a relatively new feature built into Instagram business accounts that allow you to prompt your visitors to take specific actions such as making a reservation at a restaurant, booking time on a calendar to make a call to somebody or have a conversation with somebody.

These actions can be very powerful lead generators and business generators, and again, are only available through Instagram business accounts.

There are eight really powerful reasons to use an Instagram business account. If you are currently running your business from your personal Instagram account, the migration from personal to a business account is very easy, and will immediately get you these new Instagram business account benefits.

Create your business Instagram account today and enjoy these additional benefits.

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