Revamping Content Marketing Strategy Is Now Made Easier With These 9 Methods

Businesses have turned to content marketing to scale their business online. Almost all the businesses that exist have some form of presence online but not enough to stand out in the saturated online business market.

Not all businesses do it correctly. If the content is haphazardly and has no visible or positive results then you are missing the point of content marketing. It just means that you need to do a make-over on your content marketing strategy.

The following are methods that you can use to renovate your content marketing strategy, check them out and see how it can be applied to yours.

Review your Content

Take all your past and current contents and make a thorough review of it. Through reviewing the current and past contents you will know what works, what needs a makeover, and what does not works. With this list, you will know what to change in your strategy.

Reviewing your content involves checking all the content on your website and making an inventory of all your contents. This will help you in tracking the full list of your contents, those that need changing, and those that need to go away.

Recalibrate your Link-Building Strategy

The internet is already saturated with tons of contents and a thousand more are created daily. One of the ways to help the people direct their attention to your content is through Link-Building.

If back then you put links on your content to get more visitors and to gain connection, now to get more visitors and stand out you need to create content that will attract links on its own.

You can achieve this by having a content that has a clear objective and with a strong impact that will make people want to share. These contents are made through heavy research, captivating images, interest-piquing headlines, and a solution to a current problem.

In short, you need content that is not only full of intriguing topics but also with social significance.

Integrate Video Marketing in all of Your Contents

Videos are proven to attract more attention from the desired audience, so don’t miss out on this and make use of this content form.

It has not only proven to gain more attention but it is the easiest one to set-up. It also gives you high ROI and lets you connect with more audience.

And since almost all media platforms nowadays have a live video function you can make use of this to create videos every day for your content.

Use Infographics

Infographics are a mixture of interactive images packed with important information. This is a much more interactive way to deliver content to your audience. It is easier for the eyes and the way the information and images are created makes it easier for the customer to digest the content.

Infographics are also much easier to share thus it is shared far more often.

Credits: Informatic Inc.

Outsourcing contents

This is a growing pattern for many online businesses. This method enables you to have a different view and identity to the brand you are creating. Sometimes, a different view and approach are all you need to get that much-needed audience engagement.

Of course, you need to review the content before publishing it so you still have control what shows on your content platform but nevertheless, this is a good way to give your website a new look.

Use Interactive Posts

Your contents do not necessarily have to be three pages long, sometimes they can even be just 300 words and it makes a whole world of difference. These 300 words must be full of value or what they call evergreen content so they won’t just fade and be irrelevant after some time.

You can make quizzes, surveys, or make use of Facebook and Instagram posts. These posts usually garner a reaction from the readers.

Use varying lengths for your contents

Just like when making a blog post or an article the lengths of each paragraph should vary, the same with your contents. This will prevent your audience from getting bored of reading or viewing your content.

This will give you a break from monotonous long-suffering posts. And this also helps you when can’t think of anything long or very detailed to post about. This will help you spark creativity and a good break from routine.

A simple alternation between short posts and a blog post can help you make a unique content marketing strategy. What more if you can integrate an infographic and video to it, right?

Utilize Multi-Part Posts

In connection with varying content lengths, you can also use multi-part posts. If you have a very long content, say a content that exceeds 2000 words then you can divide it into two or three. Just like a trilogy.

This does not only help your audience read it easier but this also makes them anticipate for the next one. Which means that this already guarantees an engagement for your incoming posts.

Continuously look for new ideas

One of the most basic ways to revamp your content marketing strategy is by looking for other new ideas. This can be a total deviation to your current contents or you can think of ways that you can expound on the current content without straying too far from the main idea or goal of your contents.

This can be a related idea. For example, your content is all about starting a business then you can talk about marketing, finance or business management.


You can use all of these in your content or you can just use one, any other way these are ideas that have been proven to work in the current trend. If you are stuck on what to do, then these methods might just give you an idea on what to do next.

But whatever you chose to do, I hope this helps you with your content marketing strategy.

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