Prediction: These Five Digital Marketing Trends That Will Dominate In 2020

It’s hard to believe, but the home-stretch of 2019 is coming into sight. That means it’s time to start formulating your marketing strategies for 2020!

Here are the five trends that we think will dominate the digital marketing landscape in 2020, and that you better have a plan for:

Voice Search

According to ComScore, 50% of all searches could be activated by 2020. That means you need to have a strategy for ‘voice SEO’.

Wait? What?!

Yup, ranking in the voice search engines, and responding to voice-based queries in a way that’s useful to the searcher, creates a new set of challenges that you’ll need to respond to.

Voice searches tend to be more ‘long-tail’, and your content will need to be appropriately detailed and natural language to work as a voice-based response.


But hey, these new challenges also create a whole new set of opportunities!

Social Messaging for Business

Social messaging has already gone way passed a tipping point in terms of mainstream usage. In fact, more people are now using messaging apps than they are social networks!

This is something businesses can no longer ignore, or they’ll miss one of the most important channels for getting new leads, engaging with prospects, providing customer service, and generating revenue.

Shoppable Posts Boom

Although the data available on the impact of Instagram shoppable posts is still pretty thin, we are totally confident that this is going to be THE major ecommerce development of 2020.

Instagram now has roughly 1 billion monthly users, and the Instagram community will clearly buy from accounts that influence them (just ask Kylie Jenner, who became the world’s youngest self-made billionaire largely due to her 175 million fans).

In a report from, brands with access to Instagram Shoppable Posts have seen as much as 1,416% growth in traffic and 20% growth in sales when launching their products on shoppable posts.

Trust us, the holiday shopping seasons will be all about shopping on Instagram in 2020!

Live Video

Live video is booming. According to MediaKix, live streaming was a $30 billion industry in 2015, and is expected to grow to $124 billion by 2025.

Just about every industry – fashion, sports, entertainment, news, gaming, shopping, and more – are finding ways to engage massive audiences with live video.

If you are not convinced, here are 62 stats about live streaming that will surely change your mind!

Artificial Intelligence Starts to Go Mainstream

Once a novelty of the distant future, AI is about to become a part of our everyday lives, and marketing is one of the first industries to be impacted.


Because there are a lot of smart companies betting that AI will be able to create better content and build and manage more effective marketing campaigns than humans can, and at a fraction of the cost.

It’s already happening, and we predict it’s going to accelerate rapidly.

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