7 Ways To Optimize Your Content For Mobile Users

Currently, mobile traffic makes up approximately 75% of all traffic on the internet, making it a high-priority to optimize your content for mobile to ensure that you’re giving the best user experience to your visitors.

But what does that mean, “Optimized for mobile”?

It’s not that difficult actually! Here are eight ways to optimize your content for mobile users:

1. Use Images

One, use more images. A picture, as they say, says a 1000 words, and are much easier for most people to consume than text. Use more images throughout your content.

2. Shorter Paragraphs

Another way is that you should write shorter paragraphs. The mobile phone is not the best format for reading lengthy chunks of copy. Write shorter paragraphs, and keep your writing more casual to make it easier to read. It also helps to use simple words that most people know, it helps with communicating your message better.

3. Make it Scannable with Headlines

Use headlines to make your content scannable. Break up your content with headlines, and sub-headlines throughout the content to make it easier for readers to quickly scan the content. This helps the readers get a clearer understanding and determine if they want to read more just by scanning the headlines.

Statistics show that many people are just scanners – they never really read a complete post. Don’t fight this trend, instead give them what they want, and create a better mobile experience.

4. Enhance Your Site Speed

It is important to note that enhancing your site speed is crucial. Users of mobile phones are impatient when they’re on the go, and will quickly bounce off of content that doesn’t pull up quickly. Make sure that your site is optimized for fast delivery of your content to mobile devices.

5. Use Facebook Instant Articles

Facebook recognized the challenges of slow-loading content for mobile devices and solved the problem themselves with Facebook Instant Articles. Facebook Instant Articles are articles that are presented within the walled-garden of Facebook so that Facebook can make sure that they’re formatted and optimized for incredibly fast delivery.

6. Use Google’s Accelerated Mobile Pages.

Similar to Facebook Instant Articles, Google created a solution specifically to ensure that content loads quickly on mobile devices. The Accelerated Mobile Pages protocol (AMP) is their solution and is a simple way for you to make sure that your content loads quickly. Also, it ranks very well in the search engines, as Google gives preference to Accelerated Mobile Pages content.

7. Use Google’s Mobile-Friendly Test Service.

Google has provided a simple testing site for you to put in your URL, and quickly have your website content graded for mobile friendliness. This is a quick way to get feedback from Google before you hit the publish button so that you can determine if you need to make any additional changes.

Test your site here: https://search.google.com/test/mobile-friendly

Make it Mobile!

There are seven ways to optimize your content for mobile users. Mobile use continues to grow and become more important for marketing purposes, so it’s more important than ever that you make sure that your content is optimized for the mobile experience.

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